Lost and Found
Lost and Found is located in the Campus Safety Office in ECC41 (under the bridge).
All items lost on college property are processed through the Lost and Found Department within the Campus Safety Office. To report a lost item so that we may contact you in the event the item is turned in to our office please fill out the 'Lost Item Form' to the right.
Property can be claimed during these hours:
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
You can contact Lost and Found by email at safety@sbcc.edu or by calling (805)730-4064. If the office is closed you can call (805)730-4200
To report a lost item please click below and complete the form:
Lost Item FormIf you have an item that you have found on campus, please contact our office right away or bring it to our office so that we can return it to its' rightful owner as soon as possible.
*Please do not hold on to lost items in your departments. All lost and found items should be turned in to our office as soon as possible (no later than the end of the day). If you are not able to bring it to our office please call us and schedule a pick up. One of our officers will stop by and pick it up.
*Please do not contact students directly, Campus Safety staff will contact them once we secure the item in our office.
Do not leave any belongings unattended. Found property that is turned in to Lost and Found is held for 90 days prior to being reclaimed or discarded.
All reasonable attempts are made to locate the owners of property turned into Lost and Found. Property not claimed within 90 days is disposed of or donated to charitable causes.